In my last post, I wrote about improving as a code reviewer. In this post, I'll focus on a skill that, like code reviewing, is: (1) an important part of Real Engineering™, and (2) almost completely foreign to engineers coming straight out of school.
That is: writing a good test plan.
If your team uses Phabricator, then every diff should prompt you to include a test plan, which Phab defines as: "a repeatable list of steps which document what you have done to verify the behavior of a change."
To me, the operative term is repeatable (though I prefer the term "reproducible", since the goal isn't to have it be repeated necessarily, but rather, to construct it in a way such that it could be repeated). I don't want focus here on how to test thoroughly (which is an interesting topic in itself, but too ambitious to cover in a single post); rather, I want to focus on how to write a test plan that is reproducible, both by you, your reviewers, and any team members who may be unfamiliar with the code, be it today or far in the future (which is, coincidentally, our own bar at Khan Academy).
But first—why bother?
There are some obvious and non-obvious motivations for focusing on reproducibility in your test plan. The obvious, of course, is that a reproducible test plan allows your reviewers, along with any future readers, to... reproduce the plan (i.e., if they'd like to verify correctness, whether in the context of a code review or a refactor).
But there are also some less-obvious externalities that come with a focus on reproducibility. Namely, that:
So, how do we get there?
Listing every step you take, in excruciating detail, is insufficient. The key is to provide detail where necessary and in the right quantity. Cutting corners is a good and necessary step; but you should strive to cut the right ones.
Here are some of the guidelines I try to keep in mind when writing my own test plans.
In composing my own test plans, I tend to draw the line at how to do things, rather at what to do—outlining the processes, along with the intended actions.
For example:
make subperseus
from the Perseus repo)".localhost:8080/...
)". This also removes any ambiguity as to which exercise page you tested.throw
), clarity is again key. Writing "Modify the code to throw an error" leaves it to the reviewer to figure out where and how the modifications should be made, while including a specific command to put at a specific line number in a specific file makes it effortless. Better yet, I've had engineers at Khan Academy include Git patches in their test plans.The irony is that, unlike programming, reproducing a test plan should involve as much copy-pasting as possible. Your goal, as the author, is to remove the onus of "how" from the reviewer's shoulders.
Part of writing a reproducible test plan is making it clear what's actually being tested, and what the desired changes should be vis-à-vis the previous state of the codebase.
This may sound obvious, but, for example, if you're fixing a bug, then of course your test plan by default won't include the bug occurring—since your goal was to fix it.
A reader stumbling upon your test plan should be able to grok what's being tested. A few ways to make that easier:
Your final test plan should reflect the final state of the diff.
The nature of a reproducible test plan is such that it requires detail. And the nature of a good code review is such that details can change.
Of course, if functionality changes across the lifecycle of the code review, then the test plan should be updated to match the new behavior. But more subtly, as files change, any line numbers or filenames referenced in the test plan should be kept up-to-date as well. Shipping a stale test plan will devalue it in the eyes of any future readers and introduce doubt into the integrity of the changes.
Writing a reproducible plan requires empathy. Your natural tendency, especially when working in the same codebase for an extended period of time, is to assume that others will have the context and capabilities that you have at present. Of course, this is a faulty assumption—even you might struggle to reproduce your own test plans months down the road.
It's telling that I often find myself writing my best, most reproducible test plans when I'm in a part of the codebase that is relatively unfamiliar to me. Since I'm newly discovering the relevant testing mechanisms, code paths, and behaviors for the first time, my inclination is to include all of the information that I didn't have coming into the change. The odds are good that future readers may similarly lack context.
As with so much else in software engineering, empathy is key. When you put yourself in the shoes of a newcomer to the codebase and empathize with your future readers, the test plan will flow.